Having proven themselves useful, Aibretta was impressed with the team and decided to trust them more. She said they should meet with the rest of the members of the resistance and devise a plan for how to liberate the village from the Azlanti invaders. Unfortunately, while they were discussing it, Jellik wandered off and now it had been over an hour and he should have been back.
The team decided the best course of action would be to set an ambush for the Azlanti patrol. Unfortunately, Vee Dais got some kind of flu or virus, perhaps something that the colonists had but had already developed immunity for. Vee vomited and Aibretta took him to another section of the junkyard to isolate him from the others and provide him a place to rest. Meanwhile, the other team members stealthily traveled through the jungle over to the cemetery, deciding that was an isolated place that they could set an ambush for the patrol.
Eventually their patience was rewarded and they surprised a group of five Azlanti soldiers. Jim took the point position and hopped the wall to engage the soldiers in melee while the other team members provided suppression fire from the cover of the gravestones. The Azlanti cadets were unprepared for the onslaught. Two of them were brought down swiftly, while the remaining three tried to seek cover against the wall of the cemetery. Their attempts to hide were of no real use, however, since Jim charged their position and quickly dispatched the remaining two with his sword. As the last Azlanti cadet tried to flee, Cliffy (?) took careful aim and shot him down, leaving no living witnesses to the slaughter.
The bodies of the Azlanti invaders were moved into the graveyard to conceal them. The party decided that the next location to go to was the water purifier. Upon arriving at the purifier, the team was surprised to find that it was not being guarded by any soldiers. Upon closer inspection, it appeared as if the water itself refused to be near them. The water moved from one of the four open tubs to avoid anyone trying to get near the water. Raia decided to try to blast the water with a ray of heat from her spells... and then suddenly the water formed into a humanoid shape, then moved swiftly over to Raia to attack. 
Realizing that the creature could be harmed by heat, Cliffy shot the creature with an overcharged blast of his laser rifle. A large chunk of the creature vaporized into steam. The creature became enraged and then moved to attack Cliffy, trying to bludgeon him with a hard slap of water. Everyone opened fire on the creature and eventually, Raia brought it down with another heat elemental blast. With a disturbing gurgle, the water elemental dissipated into a cloud of steam.
The group debated their next move. They decided that they should perhaps visit Madelon's residence to see if he had left any notes that might explain the situation better. They traveled around the colony to the south through the near jungle. Before arriving at Madelon's home, they spotted a disturbing scene. Jellik had been captured and was bound and hanging from a lamp post while two Azlanti soldiers were beating him senseless. A crowd of colonists stood watching in horror as one of their own was being tormented by the alien invaders. Just as the party was about to do something, one of the soldiers slashed Jellik's belly and opened his intestines to the elements, leaving him to die.
The team sprung into action immediately. A firefight ensued, while Jim rushed in to engage the four soldiers in melee combat. The crowd of colonists yelled in terror, fleeing in various directions back to their homes. The Azlanti soldiers did not just stand around, taking cover behind the lamp posts and returning fire. One of the soldiers that was hit by projectiles fled screaming, running back toward the Azalanti fortress. The other invaders kept returning fire, not giving the team a chance to pursue the fleeing cadet. Iseph moved in close, using a holographic projector to produce two mirror images of himself. One of the veteran Azlanti soldiers blasted Iseph, but only managed to blast two of the mirror images instead. After several seconds of battle, the enemy was defeated, and Jellik was carefully taken down from the pole. Deciding that he needed immediate medical care, the team snuck back to the junkyard.
At the junkyard, the team discovered that Aiebretta had gathered the other members of her resistance. There was Goraya Li, a mediator and project leader (Lashunta F Envoy). Chatterbug the communications expert of the colony (Shirren F Engineer), "Doc" Epplendell (Human F Physician), the colonist's schoolmaster Helesk Varden (Human M Educator), Ludvar Cresk (Human M Engineer), and of course, the colony's supply clerk, Rendell Tace (Human M Colonist). Dr. Epplendell was able to treat Jellik's serious injuries and get him stabilized, but he was confined to bed rest. 
The party then decided to go seek out Administrator Madelon's quarters and try to find info there. They managed to break down the door after a failed attempt to restore power. Cliffy fortunately saw the pressure plate trap that would have electrocuted all of them, so he was able to disable it first. They then found a hidden compartment in the altar for Abadar, and there was a high-end datapad there. Cliffy was able to hack into it and discovered a lot of information about the ancient crashed Azlanti vessel. The team also discovered a report about Goraya Li's family at one of the other colony sites, as well as several Abadar religious artifacts worth at least 500 credits.
On the way back to the junkyard, it was nearing dusk. While they were being as stealthy as they could be, unfortunately, the team encountered two Azlanti security robots that spotted them on the western side of the village...


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