The party began this adventure as a team of Starfinders who had worked together in the past on various missions. They all shared a common connection with an android named Cedona, who was the reason that they had all formed a team together and how they managed to get involved with the Starfinder Society.
None of the team had spoken to Cedona in over a Pact Worlds Standard Year (this is based on the orbit of Absalom Station). As it turned out, she had signed on as a colonist with AbadarCorp, a multi-system conglomerate led by the diety Abadar, and controlled by his high priests. She moved to a Near Space colony called Madelon's Landing on the main habitable planet of the Nekondis system. The colony had been formed a few years ago and was led by a Lashunta priest of Abadar named Madelon Kesi.
A few weeks ago Cedona contacted the team while they were on break at Absalom Station. She offered to get them a really amazing loan deal for a Kevolari Venture class drift-drive exploration starship. The only catch was that they had to deliver a much-needed cargo of supplies to Madelon's Landing colony on Nakondis. She was also excited to show the party something but declined to say what it was over communication channels that could potentially be intercepted and decrypted by other parties. She just said, "We found something important, you're going to want to see this for yourselves."
Having no other prospects, the team agreed to take the loan for the starship and deliver the supplies to Nakondis. After a day or two of drift travel, the party left drift-space and entered into orbit around Nakondis, the main planet of the Nakondis system. Shortly after making orbit, their starship was attacked by two small non-drift spacecraft. No life-forms showed on the scans, leading the party to believe that they were unmanned drone ships, although the crafts' designs were not listed in any of their Pact World vehicle specifications records. The science officer Raia thought perhaps they were of Azlanti Star Empire origin, a nearly-hostile Near Space rival space-faring civilization that was at an uneasy peace with the Pact Worlds.
The team's pilot Iseph eventually out-maneuvered the drones and made it easy for the gunners Jim and Captain Vee to blast the two drones into space junk. The ship's engineer Cliffy (Clive Holiday) determined that the hull damaged to the Venture was mostly superficial and that it would remain space-worthy, at least until they could get back to a star dock and make repairs. After Vee attempted communications and getting nothing back from Madelon's Landing, the party decided to land their vessel in a swampy clearing about 5 kilometers east of the colony village. 


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