Having proven themselves useful, Aibretta was impressed with the team and decided to trust them more. She said they should meet with the rest of the members of the resistance and devise a plan for how to liberate the village from the Azlanti invaders. Unfortunately, while they were discussing it, Jellik wandered off and now it had been over an hour and he should have been back. The team decided the best course of action would be to set an ambush for the Azlanti patrol. Unfortunately, Vee Dais got some kind of flu or virus, perhaps something that the colonists had but had already developed immunity for. Vee vomited and Aibretta took him to another section of the junkyard to isolate him from the others and provide him a place to rest. Meanwhile, the other team members stealthily traveled through the jungle over to the cemetery, deciding that was an isolated place that they could set an ambush for the patrol. Eventually their patience was rewarded and they surprised a group of five A...